Startup Condition

Available as of Camel 4.9

You can use StartupCondition to let Camel perform some checks on startup, before continuing. For example to check if a specific ENV exists, or wait for a specific file to be created etc.

Camel provides a few out of the box

  • EnvStartupCondition - To check for a specific OS environment exists

  • FileStartupCondition - To check for a specific file exists

You can implement custom conditions by implementing org.apache.camel.spi.StartupCondition, and add these to the StartupConditionStrategy or Registry such as:

StartupConditionStrategy scs = context.getCamelContextExtension().getContextPlugin(StartupConditionStrategy.class);
scs.addStartupCondition(new MyCondition());

If you use Camel Main, Spring Boot, or Quarkus, you can configure startup conditions with configuration in

For example to check for a specific OS environment variable exists:

camel.startupcondition.enabled = true
camel.startupcondition.environmentVariableExists = FOO_BAR

Or to use a custom condition by its class name:

camel.startupcondition.enabled = true
camel.startupcondition.customClassNames =